It can be quite an embarrassing subject for a lot of women, but it is natural for your vagina to loosen as you age.

Having a loose vagina can make women feel as though they are no longer good in bed and can cause a rift in their relationships. This is something that almost every woman will go through at some point, so you don’t have to feel alone.

Luckily, there are ways that you can keep your pussy tight so you can have more fun in the bedroom.

Why Is My Pussy Loose?

Over time, the muscles in our body become weak, and our pussies are no exception.

As we age, the vaginal muscles lose their ability to contract and relax as efficiently as they once used to. The vagina is made to be elastic, so it can stretch wide during sex and should contract back into its original tight shape.

When we get older, this capability weakens, leaving us with a loose vagina.

Likewise, when we give birth, this can cause a lot of damage to our bodies and leave our pussies loose. As the vaginal muscles stretch and tear during childbirth, they may no longer be able to contract back into their natural tight shape.

This can be quite the insecurity for women as it impacts their sex life. Having a loose pussy just doesn’t feel as good during sex and can mean that you experience fewer sensations.

How Can I Tighten My Pussy?

There are natural ways that you can bring strength back into the muscles of your vagina and make it tight once more.

Some women may feel as though they need to go under the knife to get their youthful figure back, but this is not the case. You can keep your pussy tight through natural means.

1. Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are very popular among women, and they have been proven to tighten the vagina.

This kind of exercises focuses on the pelvic floor muscles, which are the ones that control the opening on the vagina. In order to perform kegel exercises, you need to squeeze and hold the pelvic floor muscles.

The easiest way to do this is by imaging that you are holding in a pee midflow. Some women find it easier to perform Kegels when they are on the toilet, just in case.

But with practice, you will be able to do Kegels anywhere and without anyone knowing.

In order to see results with Kegel exercises, you need to be consistent. This means doing around ten exercises multiple times a day on a daily basis.

2. Vaginal Tightening Gels

There are a lot of products that claim to help tighten your pussy and restore youth. However, one of the most effective products is V-Tight Gel, which is a vaginal tightening lubricant.

This is a lubricant that can be applied topically to the vaginal walls and will have instant results. This vaginal tightening gel uses natural plant extracts to restore strength and elasticity to the vaginal walls, keeping your pussy tight.

As it is a lubricant, V-Tight Gel can be applied to your pussy minutes before sex for instant tightening effects. Not only will this gel make your pussy feel tighter, but it will also restore moisture and heighten sensations for both you and your partner.

Vaginal tightening gels are a great option to use during sex, but with repeated and consistent use, they can have long-lasting effects.

Just like Kegel exercises, the best way to see results when using vaginal tightening gels is to be consistent and use them regularly.

3. Vaginal Cones

Using vaginal cones can help keep your pussy tight as they work directly with the vaginal muscles.

Vaginal cones are small weights that are designed to go up into your pussy. You will work your pelvic floor muscles as you keep them in place, which in turn can help keep your pussy tight.

There are various different kinds of vaginal cones, and it is recommended for you to use them regularly. Vaginal cones will come in sets of multiple weights, and you should work your way through them to improve the strength of the vaginal muscles.

Start with the smallest weight and see how long you can comfortably hold it in your pussy. With regular practice, you will be able to increase the weights of your vaginal cones and see a significant difference in the tightness of your pussy.

This is, again, something that should be performed regularly to provide the best results.

4. Healthy Diet

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is very true, but did you know that it also applies to your pussy?

Making sure that you are eating the right kind of foods and are consuming a balanced diet can help keep your pussy tight. If you are feeding your muscles the right nutrients, they will remain strong and in working order.

This, in turn, will keep your pussy tight, as your vaginal muscles will be able to contract back into their natural shape more easily.

There are certain foods that you can consume to tighten your pussy, including:

  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Fenugreek
  • Yams
  • Soy Beans
  • Pomegranate
  • Sesame Seeds

All of these foods are high in estrogen, which is an important hormone in women’s health.

Making sure that you are having a healthy, balanced diet that is full of these estrogen-rich foods will allow your muscles to be able to repair quickly. This will keep your pussy tight.

5. Squats

Squats are one of the easiest and yet most effective exercises that you can do to keep your pussy tight.

This kind of exercise works all of the muscles in the lower body, including the vagina. As long as you perform squats correctly and regularly, you can keep your pussy tight.

Keep your back straight and push your hips back. Imagine that are going to sit down on a chair to get the right posture and hold.